Tree surveys to meet a wide range of needs

Tree Surveys

Tree surveys can assess one or more trees and collect a variety of information depending on your needs. They can range from simple condition assessments to more detailed inspections, investigations and appraisals. Please contact us for a free quotation or to discuss the range of services we offer.

Tree safety surveys

Tree owners and managers have a ‘common law’ duty of care to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which they can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure their neighbour. Additionally, homeowners have a duty of care under laws like the Occupiers’ Liability Act to ensure their trees do not pose unreasonable risks to others.

Consulting an arboriculturist helps ensure you comply with these legal obligations, avoiding potential liabilities from accidents involving trees.

An arboricultural consultant can provide expert advice on whether a tree poses a genuine risk and whether intervention, such as pruning or removal, is necessary. This helps avoid unnecessary work that could be costly or damaging to the environment.

By obtaining an objective and impartial assessment from an arboricultural consultant, you can focus on reasonable, proportionate tree care and avoid the burden and cost of unnecessary tree management.

General tree management

Tree management can be required for reasons other than tree safety.

Typically tailored to property managers, this type of tree survey can be provided to assess trees in residential and other built-up areas and provide appropriate recommendations for their ongoing management.

These types of surveys can include assessing statutory clearances over public highways, crown clearance from buildings and other urban infrastructure, and direct damage issues or general nuisance issues.

Tree surveys for development (BS5837)

Tree surveys in accordance with British Standard BS5837 are required for development projects when trees are present on or near the site that could be impacted by the proposed works. Local planning authorities will typically request a tree survey and associated reports to ensure that trees are properly evaluated and considered as part of the planning process.

A BS5837 tree survey identifies tree locations, species, age, size, and categorisation based primarily on quality and life expectancy. It also determines root protection area (RPA) for each tree to identify potential constraints to development and to help safeguard the trees during construction.

The survey information can be used to produce Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) and Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) reports where required to inform planning decisions, ensure that trees are adequately protected during development, and, where appropriate, ensure that new tree planting is secured to mitigate any necessary tree removals.

Tree population assessment

Using the standard information collected during a full tree survey, we can assess the tree population within the site and provide useful information on tree age and species diversity to assist the proactive management of the population as a whole.

We can identify tree planting opportunities and advise on species choice to build resilience and enhance the long-term benefits of your trees for years to come.

Please ask about these services and any other requirements you have when booking your tree survey.

A serene park scene with a tree, autumn leaves, and a pond.
Bright orange shelf fungi on a tree trunk in a forest.
Bracket fungus growing on a tree trunk in a forest
Aerial view of a road through autumn-colored trees