Aerial view of a forest in autumn with vibrant yellow, orange, and green foliage.

Sound arboricultural advice and support through the development process

Planning & Development

We provide professional tree consultancy services in accordance with British Standard BS5837:2012 – Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – Recommendations. Our expertise ensures that trees are effectively managed throughout the planning and development process, balancing environmental sustainability with project requirements.

Tree Surveys & Constraints Plans

Our tree surveys assess the condition, species, and value of trees on-site in accordance with BS5837, identifying constraints and opportunities for development. We provide essential tree information and advice to help inform the design process, ensuring trees are appropriately considered and retained where feasible.

Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA)

We evaluate the potential effects of a proposed development on existing trees, offering pragmatic solutions to minimise conflicts and ensure compliance with planning policies. Our reports inform design decisions and help secure planning permission.

Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS)

Where trees need protection during construction, we produce detailed Arboricultural Method Statements. These documents outline practical measures, including protective fencing, ground protection, and special construction techniques, ensuring trees are safeguarded throughout the project.

Arboricultural Clerk of Works

We provide on-site arboricultural supervision and monitoring to ensure compliance with approved tree protection measures. Regular inspections and reports help developers, contractors, and planning authorities maintain best practices and avoid costly delays or enforcement actions.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise in BS 5837:2012 compliance

  • Comprehensive reports tailored to planning requirements

  • Collaborative approach with developers, architects, and planners

  • Efficient, practical, and cost-effective tree management solutions

Whether you require a tree survey for planning or ongoing arboricultural supervision, we are here to support your project from inception to completion. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

Skyscrapers with glass facades and trees at the base, under clear blue sky.
Architectural landscape plan with room labels, pathways, and tree symbols.
Construction worker in yellow safety vest and helmet overlooking urban skyline.
Aerial view of a road through autumn forest with colorful trees